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Ranking Accommodations for Foreigners: Co-living, Apartments, Hotels &Hostels

Taipei accommodation provides a great chance to meet people to explore Taipei while feeling like a “home” at the same time. There are some types of Taipei accommodation for international students, workers, digital nomads, travelers,  etc. We know that you care about the budget and lifestyle that the place can offer to you.

So, we have listed some great and popular options to help you to choose an ideal place while enjoying the Taipei lifestyle.

Co-Living Spaces  (Recommendation Score: 5)

Co-living is very popular among international students, workers, etc. this is the place that you share living space with others. Typically, you live in a single apartment unit and share a kitchen, living area, bathrooms, and a few bedrooms. People can collaborate, share lifestyles together, to make Taipei’s life more interesting. You can also work, and you will find it’s easier to get work done. The co-living accommodation offers an area with desks and chairs, that you can actually feel like a place that you could work, study while staying in the same building.

We believe that most international people come to Taipei to experience local living, networking with people with various cultures. Taipei Co-living provides an affordable option (usually less than yearly housing options) to you while staying with some interesting people around the world. You will make friends in a foreign city who you can share times with!

If you are not an extrovert person, you might find it’s harder to be involved with groups, the tight budget of co-living accommodation might not be the best choice for you. However, some Taipei co-living accommodations provide private bedrooms, but they usually come with a higher budget.

We highly recommend Home Sweet Home Share House, where has single rooms and share rooms provided for tenants with different needs.

Apartments (Recommendation Score: 4/5)

Free 房子的室內設計 Stock Photo

Apartments are suitable for people who are seeking for more privacy, and the price is usually cheaper than co-living space.

Taipei rental apartment usually has a fixed agreement with 1 year lease, so you might feel less flexible when come with this option. Taipei apartments not only offer you more privacy but also you will meet new people under the same roof. Lots of international students have either positive or negative feedback from their roommates, so it is up to your luck whether you will get nice roommates or not, as well as whether you will get a nice landlord to help you solve with issues.


Open Room Hotel, Tamsui, Taiwan - Booking.com

You will definitely get your own bedroom, bathroom, rooms service, etc. However, the hotel is always the most expensive option. You might find a great deal for hotel rooms for people who want to stay for a longer time.

If you want to stay in Taipei for a longer time, the hotel might not be the best option for you. Some hotel booking websites like Expedia, Skyscanner, Kayak will not allow people to stay for more than a month. In addition, unless you have friends in the city or people who live in the same hotel, then you need to go outside of the hotel to meet people.

Hostels (2.5/5)


Hostels provide a socializing environment for foreigners who are chatty and want to stay in a place with a lower price while meeting new people.

You stay with other people in the same room, usually, it is about 4-12 people in the same room with bunk beds. It doesn’t have privacy, especially for people who go to school and work every day. Or for people who want to be productive during the week.

Additionally, you might have to get your personal locker to lock your important stuff like a passport.

Staying in a hostel for a short term can be really fun, but if you are planning to stay in the same city for a longer period, and want to be work-focused, then the hostel might not be the best choice for you.

Still have questions ?

If you are interested in finding a co-living space or share house in Taipei, we recommend Home Sweet Home Share House.

Assistant Vikey
Assistant Vikey

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